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Dibs > > Chief of Course

Chief of Course

  • 03/08/2024
  • The chief of course (cc) must be licensed and certified by the USSA. The cc must be familiar with local snow conditions on the concerned terrain and is responsible for the preparation of the courses in accordance with the directives and decisions of the Jury. The chief of course supervises course maintenance during the race and supervises all clean-up operations. This position is worth 1 day in volunteer credit.
  • Dib Session(s): U14 Super G Series (3/8 - 3/11)
  • 1
    Credit issued upon completion.
  • Claimed
    This Dib Item has been claimed.
  • Hannah B
    John Barnett
  • 0 days
    This Dib Item can no longer be canceled without contacting the Admin.